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Own The Mic: Get more listeners, fans, and sales out of every podcast episode. For serious guests & hosts.

A great podcast appearance can transform your life.

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Every single time you're in front of an audience (your own or someone else's) it's an opportunity to make connections with new fans. This leads to more social media followers, more website visits, more email subscribers, more books sold, and the list of benefits could go on forever.

Long story short: Podcasts are the future!

But here's the problem.

The average podcast episode loses 20-35% of listeners in the first 5 minutes.


The podcaster doesn't know how to hold their attention.

Most people are just figuring out podcasting as they go. That means they're putting out content that isn't up to their own standards.

And it's not their fault.

They haven't had anyone show them how to put their best foot forward. They don't have someone in their corner coaching them on how to look good on camera and sound good on mic.

Unfortunately we all judge a book by its cover, and that means that people are ignoring your message because you aren't doing a professional job of presenting them.

Until now!

Hi, I'm Jonathan Pritchard, and I've spent the past 25 years in front of audiences of all kinds. I've been a live performer for audiences of thousands in fine art theaters. I've appeared on 5am local news programs. I've appeared on America's Got Talent performing in front of Howard Stern, Heidi Klum, Mel B, and Howie Mandel. I've been out for Penn & Teller "Fool Us." I've consulted behind the scenes for national TV projects with names you'd recognize.

I've also appeared on more than 100 podcasts and every single time I hear the same things from hosts: "WOW, you are amazing! That was one of my favorite interviews, ever." I also get email subscribers and sell books from my appearances because I know what to say AND how to say it to get people to take action.

I want you to get the same reactions.

Even better, I want you to get the same results: more email subscriber sign-ups, more books sold, more . . .everything!

It's all the result of showing up to every episode with your best foot forward and owning the mic.

What Do You Learn?

  • Get better interviews out of guests by helping them be more comfortable.
  • Still get your message out even when the host is new to interviewing.
  • Get more followers by connecting more effectively through the power of your voice
  • Land bigger [media, sponsorship, guest] opportunities by having a portfolio of appearances that you know represent you as a professional
  • Make more money by explaining your work in a way that people have to check out
  • Get more referrals by making a great impression for any interview

What Does The Workshop Look Like?


This is a cohort-based workshop that spans 10 weeks. That means you'll join a private community where you can ask questions, share stories, and find connections. This, alone is worth the price tag as we've seen lot of fun new ideas come out of having this many people in one place who are passionate about the same things.

In addition to the community, you'll also join 3 live training calls where I go through boat loads of information and guidance for leveling up your mic presence whether you're a host or a guest. You'll also have the chance to ask questions and get answers in real time on those training calls. If you're confused, or want more clarity about anything, just ask. This kind of coaching is incredibly valuable.

We will also have 5 AMA calls where we focus entirely on your questions.

PLUS you can expect a couple guests to join us who work on podcasts that were acquired by a world-wide media company. They're going to give us the real talk about what it takes to be a professional on mic for opportunities of that size.


Everything in the Standard Level along with a 30 minute 1 on 1 coaching call afterwards so you can make massive progress quickly.

For more details, please visit: https://www.OwnTheMicWorkshop.com


Once you're signed up you'll receive an invitation to a private community. Once inside you'll have access to the group chat, event scheduling, Q&A posts, and more. Super simple!

This product is not currently for sale.
Available on October 25, 2021 at 12:00 PM

Get access to a private community, live training, and proven systems to level up your podcast results.

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Own The Mic: Get more listeners, fans, and sales out of every podcast episode. For serious guests & hosts.